You might want to reconsider that extra cup of coffee in the morning. If you drink a lot of coffee, then you will get more than just a kick start in the morning. Scientists have found that if caffeine is consumed in excessiveness, it affects your venous system in a negative manner. When you drink […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...During pregnancy, your body will go through many changes to accommodate the growing baby. You will gain weight to nourish and protect the baby. As you gain weight, your body will create more blood vessels to carry oxygenated blood to those areas. The additional weight can also create varicose veins. There are some ways to […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...When your doctor suspects or diagnoses you with venous insufficiency, he will most likely recommend compression stocking therapy. In addition to modifying lifestyle habits such as eating a healthier diet, increasing exercise program, and quitting smoking, compression stocking therapy can bring relief to your legs. Compression stockings are available in different lengths and tightness. Your […]
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