Now that summer is here, you probably find yourself enjoying many outdoor activities. Summertime parties, camping, hiking and sun bathing are all popular in the southwest Florida region. Since you are wearing shorts more often in the increasing heat, have you noticed an increase in varicose veins? Varicose veins are caused by venous insufficiency where […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Keeping our hands looking good is desired since we see them every day and so do other people. That is why many women, and men, get regular manicures and take care of their hands. But, what if you start showing bulging hand veins. Should you be worried? Bulging hand veins are common as we age. […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...If you carry a few additional pounds of fat, then you are in the norm. Most people have some fat reserves on their body, which is the body’s way of storing energy. But, if you have weight gain to the point where your body is being affected in a negative way, then that is cause […]
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